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Korean After–School Culture & Language Classes

September 6, 2022 – May 5, 2023

Day/Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday | 3:50 – 4:40 P.M.

Eligible Grades: Any 8th – 9th Grade Students

Room: 207 200 Building

Auburn Junior High School

Registrant Information (required fields are marked with *)

Parent/Guardian Information


*By selecting "A self-driver or taking ACS after-school bus", I am granting permission for my student to leave class unaccompained.

Student Agreements

I agree to the following Auburn University Policies:
By checking the box ‘Yes’, this serves as your electronic signature.
*Media Release: Yes
*Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability and Assumption of Risks Waiver: Yes

Finalize Registration

  • There is no fee for this program.
  • By registering online, a seat will be secured for the student named above in the after school program.