Advanced Mapping

Dates: August 18-22, 2025

Meets: M, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM; Tu-Th, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM; F, 8:00 AM-12:00 NOON

Location: Lee County Training Facility

Registration Fee: $400.00

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Please note: this course has Prerequisites

This advanced course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills to which participants have been introduced in Alabama Basic Mapping and in Alabama Intermediate Mapping. The course focuses upon documentation used in mapping, complex plotting, inking and lettering problems, and data processing used in mapping.          

Prerequisites: Alabama Basic Mapping and Alabama Intermediate Mapping.

NOTE: This course is not recommended for those who are not mapping or practicing mapping.

Fee: $400.00

Lee County Training Facility

Parking is limited at this facility. There is parking on both sides of the building and behind the building. If additional parking is needed, you can park in the larger side lot located across the street next to the EMA building. DO NOT park at the dry cleaners or in the or in the alley behind their building.

DeDe Wilson

Date Day Time Location
08/18/2025Monday8:30 AM to 5 PM Lee County Training Facility
08/19/2025Tuesday8 AM to 4:30 PM Lee County Training Facility
08/20/2025Wednesday8 AM to 4:30 PM Lee County Training Facility
08/21/2025Thursday8 AM to 4:30 PM Lee County Training Facility
08/22/2025Friday8 AM to 12 N Lee County Training Facility


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